
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My eHow Payment for August: $600+

My eHow payment for August 2008 will be $617.35 USD, the highest eHow earnings I've ever received. I currently have 191 published eHow articles (and 7 pending approval). However, 12 articles were published the last week of August and have not yet earned anything. Thus, with 179 earning articles in August, they averaged $3.45 each this month. That number should keep going up as recent articles from June, July and August are indexed by Google and begin to receive more views.

There is some debate as to whether eHow earnings can be considered truly "passive," or whether promotion and continued work is necessary to create and maintain earnings. My experience shows that, because of eHow's superb search engine rankings, its daily traffic and the social aspects of the site itself, little or no promotion is necessary to yield high earnings assuming basic keyword optimization, search engine optimization and quality content.

I am planning a test of this residual income stream, this December and possibly beyond. I'll take the entire month of December "off" eHow to focus on my other writing, and see how it goes. I predict my articles won't even miss me.

Until then, I'll be researching keywords and writing more articles.


Jennywrites said...

Your ebook is awesome and your posts are motivating.

Suzanne A. Wells said...

Thank you again for your book and advice. You are my new hero! I can't wait to start applying your tips and watch my earnings grow. Thank you for figuring out the system and sharing with the rest of us! You are amazing!

Kendra said...

I have often wondered the same thing about ehow. If I stopped promoting, would they keep earning? I can't wait to hear the results of your experiment. You are an experimental girl aren't you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is inspirational and your eHow revenue has inspired me to create an account and give it a shot.

Kimberly Ben said...

I just bought your ebook and echo what everyone here has already said - it IS amazing! I wrote 30 ehow articles last December for DS and never bothered promoting them. I have continuously received a very modest income from them anyway. Now I am going to put your wonderful advice to use and see what kind of income I can reall squeeze from ehow!:)

Julia said...

WoW! That was an amazing ehow check! Good for you. :)
Happy Writing!